Transform Your Image to Text with Ease. Online.

We are proud to offer an online OCR service that allows you to quickly and easily extract text from images. Simply upload or paste your image to our image to text converter, and you will instantly receive your text file. Our OCR technology is fast, accurate, and reliable.

Upload or Paste Image

Supports JPG & PNG only. File size up to 5 MB

    How It Works?


    Drag and drop, upload, or paste an image directly onto the page.


    Wait for a few seconds while your image is being scanned.


    Copy, download, or print the result.

    The converter use cases!

    OCR Online

    We are excited to announce the launch of our new OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature on our website, a powerful tool that enables you to convert JPG and PNG images as well as other scanned documents into editable text. This feature allows you to extract the text from an image, converting it into a machine-readable format such as a word document, saving you time and effort. OCR can be used to digitize books, bills, receipts, and other types of documents. It is perfect for digitizing old documents, turning images into searchable text, or making scanned documents editable. Note that we only accept JPG and PNG images for conversion. Give it a try now and see how it can revolutionize your workflow and help you to be more efficient. Moreover, our picture to text converter is a free online OCR tool that quickly and accurately converts images into text using OCR technology, saving you time and effort with our image to text converter.